A trauma informed approach to movement

Massage Therapy

I am currently finishing up massage therapy schooling and I like to occasionally incorporate massage work into our sessions (with your permission, of course). I have found that many of my clients suffer from chronic pain and a combination of training and massage has been a really wonderful way to create a holistic healing experience.

I offer different body work modalities including cupping, scraping, deep tissue, relaxation, trigger point work, etc. It is all custom to what your body needs in the moment.

Massage Modalities

  • Deep Tissue & Trigger Point

    This is generally the style of massage I like to use, as I believe it is one of the most effective forms of massage for those that are lifting and doing regular workouts. It is more targeted work to help relieve pain, increase blood flow, loosen muscle adhesions, free up fused muscles and help increase range of motion. I work with you to determine your level of tolerance for pressure.

  • Cupping

    This is a form of myofascial release. It is intended to draw blood towards the target area to help relieve pain. It can also free up fascial restrictions and some claim it releases toxins in the body. It can cause some minor discomfort and feel tight. Static cupping can create round circular bruises that should disappear in about 1 week or less.

  • Scraping

    This method utilizes a tool to free up fascial restrictions in the body. It can be intense and somewhat painful, but a really great way to help break up poorly formed capillaries & adhesions, release inflammation/stuck tissue, increase range of motion and reduce pain overall. It can create some bruising on the areas we work on and it should dissipate in a few days or less.

  • Massage Gun

    This is a great tool when there are tighter muscles that are under the surface and harder to reach using traditional methods of massage. It can help boost muscle recovery and loosen the muscle prior to a workout or trigger point work, which can make the overall session more effective.

  • Relaxation

    Some days our bodies just need a rest. I’ve had many occasions where clients just didn’t have the energy to do a workout. So, we’ll either do some light stretching and/or perform a relaxation massage instead. This is a less intense massage that is intended to relieve tension or stress.

Sliding Scale Pricing (for clients only)


15 Minutes

Includes focus body work on one specific area and can involve scraping, cupping, massage gun and/or massage. Recommended as an add on to your training sessions.


30 Minutes

Includes focus body work on one or two areas and can involve scraping, cupping, massage gun and/or massage. Recommended as an add on to your training sessions.


60 Minutes

Focus on either upper or lower body or 3 specific areas of the body, spending more time on spots that cause pain. Would want to book this separately from your training sessions so that your body has time to recover.


90 Minutes

This is a flexible massage and can include the full body or a longer time spent on focus areas. Would want to book this separately from your training sessions so that your body has time to recover.